SEO Content Strategy | SEO Manager & Content Lead
Pettable is dedicated to ensuring the emotional, physical and familial bonds between people and their pets remain intact by providing an emotional support animal (ESA) letter service that gives qualified users a legal defense against predatory landlord pet policies.
Working with Pettable as an SEO Manager, I focused on overhauling the company's blog content strategy and using domain and URL-level search tactics to scale organic revenue from content. Beginning by completing extensive keyword research and competitive analysis to determine the best high, mid and low-funnel opportunities to target, I then hired best-in-class freelance writers to build content at scale while forming a committee of subject matter expert clinicians to review and approve content as it was created. I also consulted with Pettable's customer service team to find the topics users felt were missing from our library and provided our experts with the freedom to author any articles they felt would help make Pettable the thought leader within the crossover pets and mental health vertical.
Performance was continually measured throughout each article’s lifecycle, with posts being updated and iterated upon to present the most accurate viewpoint of each topic while besting competitors publishing similar content to drive search success. Data from Google Analytics and Fullstory would be scrutinized to find opportunities to boost interactions, resulting in custom CTAs implemented to send users to lower-funnel articles, gather user emails or navigate to a product page.
Ultimately, initiatives related to this content strategy resulted in 42.32% organic traffic growth and 81.39% revenue growth (Q1-24 vs. Q1-23) from blog pages, along with a 36.92% boost to blog organic purchase conversion rate. When looking at April 2024 numbers versus April 2023, blog organic traffic grew by 30.01% while revenue increased by 87.34%.
Additional SEO strategies included consistent product page SERP and CRO optimization, biannual technical SEO audits, link building via SME quote insertions in external articles, creating scholarship opportunities to drive .edu links, linkable content creation including surveys and product-based implementation, schema implementation and weekly reporting via Ahrefs, Google Analytics, Google Search Console and several other platforms. Overall SEO impact resulted in 28.07% growth in overall organic traffic, 11.43% growth in overall organic purchasers and 5.34% growth in overall organic revenue (Q1-24 vs. Q1-23).
ESA Letter SERP: 5/10/24
ESA Letter SERP: 5/10/24
Q1-24 vs. Q1-23 Organic Performance | 5.34% revenue growth; 11.43% purchaser growth; 28.07% traffic growth
Q1-24 vs. Q1-23 Organic Performance | 5.34% revenue growth; 11.43% purchaser growth; 28.07% traffic growth
Q1-24 vs. Q1-23 Blog Organic Performance | 81.39% revenue growth; 35.57% new user growth; 42.32% traffic growth
Q1-24 vs. Q1-23 Blog Organic Performance | 81.39% revenue growth; 35.57% new user growth; 42.32% traffic growth
Built In
Entrepreneurial Finance Learning Labs topic | Writer & SEO Analyst
Alpha Keyword: Entrepreneurial Finance
This content, created as a way to provide tech professionals with access to key learning and development opportunities, provides an overview of the concept of Entrepreneurial Finance and answers to key FAQs designed to help users develop a working understanding of the topic. 
Keyword research was conducted in SEMRush to determine the most searched terms within the finance industry, after which the "entrepreneurial finance" keyword (possessing an average of 390 monthly searches in the U.S. at the time of writing) was uncovered. FAQ questions were researched and written by analyzing h2s and h3s on competing pages and looking at the SERP's People Also Ask feature. Question-formatted keyword research was also conducted on SEMRush to take an analytical approach to providing helpful FAQs.
Once the topic page was written and optimized with internal links from, as well as external links to other authoritative sites, it was edited and peer-reviewed by an expert within the finance industry before finally being published. At the time of writing, this article owned the Featured Snippet on the 'entrepreneurial finance' SERP and maintained top-3 positioning for more than six months after publishing (April-September 2022).
Entrepreneurial Finance Learning Labs Topic
Built In
40 Top Semiconductor Companies to Know 2022 | Writer & SEO Analyst
Alpha Keyword: Semiconductor Companies
This content was specifically created to compete for the alpha keyword "Semiconductor Companies". Uncovered when conducting keyword research in SEMRush on hardware terms within the tech industry, the keyword "semiconductor companies" possessed a U.S. monthly search volume of 4,400 at the time of writing and was determined to be a fit within Built In's existing content strategy. Using Crunchbase, I determined which companies were the top performers in the semiconductor industry and wrote short biographies on each company's history and notable achievements. If a company was an existing client of Built In, their profile would be highlighted at the top of the page.
A total of 40 blurbs were written along with an introductory paragraph and links embedded to each company's profile page and job posts on Links were also added to notable editorial content published on In the first year after publishing, the article received an average of 1,900 organic sessions per month with 30.6% of this traffic coming directly from the alpha keyword. It ranked in the second position on the alpha keyword upon entering Google's index and maintained a top-3 position since at the time of writing.
Incidentally, this URL also ranks in the first position for the term "Semiconductor Manufacturers (1K MSV) and in the second position for the keyowrd "Semiconductor Company" (1K MSV), amongst other top-3 rankings on high-volume related keywords.